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Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Rejection Hurts
Rejection hurts. Literally. Our brains respond to rejection the same way they do to physical pain. It's hard. It's heavy. We've all been...

Joanna Townsend
4 min read
On Body Image
I've been working in the mental health space for a decade now. And what I've learned overtime, despite what a lot my training encouraged...

Joanna Townsend
4 min read
"Knowing" vs Knowing
Self-awareness: the essential ingredient to self-understanding, self-reflection, and introspection. Self-awareness is so important!...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Permission to Rest
What's your relationship with rest? Is it complicated? Earned? Prioritized? Guilt-ridden? I'm glad you're here. Let's unpack it. We need...

Joanna Townsend
3 min read
Feeling Feelings
feelings! When people ask me what I do, the conversation tends to be centered around what areas I specialize in as a therapist. And while...

Joanna Townsend
4 min read
Being Imperfect
Oh imperfection. What role you've played in all of our lives. Which leaves me wondering: We know we are imperfect. But what does that...

Joanna Townsend
5 min read
Handling Body Shaming + Diet Talk Over the Holidays
It's about that time of year. The weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter, trips home are being planned...and diet and...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
5 Tips for Winter Blues
Our 5 tips to support your mental wellness as the winter months approach. 1. Connect We tend to stay indoors + avoid being out in cold...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Toxic Positivity
Breaking down toxic positivity and offering you an alternative to the mushy, inauthentic, & harmful "positive vibes only" rhetoric. What...

Joanna Townsend
3 min read
Therapy in a socio-political climate
In the wake of George Floyd's murder (and the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many, many more horrific cases and losses),...

Joanna Townsend
4 min read
The power of opposites: A new tool for your mental health toolbox
Emotions are signals. They communicate cues to us, help us connect to our experiences, understand our needs, and prompt us take...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Boundaries: Why they matter and how to set them
Setting boundaries is hard. Despite knowing they're important, so many of us find ourselves burnt out, feeling walked all over, fearing...

Joanna Townsend
3 min read
How to handle coronavirus anxiety
Alright, folks. The level of pandemic fear about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) circulating through our news and social media is...

Joanna Townsend
3 min read
When healthy eating becomes an obsession
Orthorexia or·tho·rex·i·a noun 1. An obsession with eating pure Dr. Steven Bratman, an American physician, invented the term “orthorexia”...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Self-care or numbing: When self-care is not actually self-care
Self-care is surely a buzzword these days. We hear about it on the news, in social media, amongst friends, in advertising, apps, and most...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Navigating the psychological impacts of a warming world
"our mental wellbeing is just as vulnerable to global warming as is our earth." — the American Psychological Association from wildfires...

Joanna Townsend
3 min read
What exactly does a healthy relationship with food look like?
We live in a society that is obsessed with thinness, weight loss, dieting, wellness, food rules, and achieving optimal health. So it's no...

Joanna Townsend
2 min read
Therapy is not a dirty word
We all have a mental health. Just as we all have a physical health. Mental health simply refers to the way we express, cope, and regulate...
Check out my blog below for mental health topics I love. If you want to request a blog topic, let me know, and I will do my best to accommodate!

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